Faulkner, M. & Madden, E. (2012). Openness and post adoption birth family contact: A comparison of non-relative foster and private adoptions. Adoption Quarterly, 15(1), 35-56.

This study used data from the National Survey of Adoptive Parents (NSAP) to compare post-adoption birth family contact in families with non-relative private domestic and foster care adoptions. This study is the first to use a nationally representative sample to examine and compare the extent of post-adoption contact in both private and foster adoptions. The results suggest that children adopted from foster care were less likely to experience post-adoption contact with their birth families than children adopted privately despite the fact that they were more likely to have lived with their birth families.

Faulkner, M., & Madden, E. (2012). Openness and post-adoption birth family contact: A comparison of non-relative foster and private adoptions. Adoption Quarterly, 15(1), 35-56.