Project HOPES Evaluation

Project HOPES Evaluation

Understanding the impact of community-based child maltreatment prevention.

The Texas Institute for Child & Family Wellbeing (TXICFW) at the University of Texas at Austin is collaborating with the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS), Prevention and Early Intervention (PEI) division to carry out a cross-site evaluation of the Healthy Outcomes through Prevention and Early Support (HOPES) program. The 83rd Texas Legislature session increased funding for at-risk prevention programs for child abuse and neglect prevention. With this increased funding, the first round of Project HOPES provided grants to eight Texas communities to address child abuse and neglect prevention. Each of the eight sites is implementing a variety of community-based and evidence-based interventions targeted at families with children between the ages of 0-5 years. Project HOPES will have three phases, known as HOPES I, HOPES II, and HOPES III, to total 24 sites by the end of 2017.

In addition to program evaluation for Project HOPES, TXICFW will conduct quantitative analysis of historical PEI data, to determine the overall effectiveness of prevention efforts.

The Project HOPES evaluation will consist of:

  • Literature review and additional research on child maltreatment prevention
  • Technical assistance and development of training materials
  • Data collection in partnership with Project HOPES sites, including:
        • Family, agency and community surveys
        • Stakeholder interviews
        • Data analysis and reporting of results

In addition to program evaluation for Project HOPES, TXICFW will conduct quantitative analysis of historical PEI data, to determine the overall effectiveness of prevention efforts.