Gerstenblatt, P., Faulkner, M., Travis, D., Lee, A., & Doan, LT. (2013).Not babysitting: Workstress and well-being for family child care providers Early Childhood Education Journal. 42(1) 67–75

Family child care providers contend with a number of work stressors related to the dual roles of operating a small business and providing child care in their home. Research has documented many sources of work related stress for these providers; however, research examining their’ experiences outside of the lens of quality of care and child outcomes is dated and scant.

This study consisted of three focus groups of 11 providers who shared their perspectives on work related stressors and well-being. Many of the study findings were congruent with previous research in the field; however, a key finding in this study was the importance of asserting and establishing a professional identity to mitigate work related stress.

Based on the results of this study, recommendations to assist providers in constructing and asserting a professional identity include developing and following a parent-provider handbook with a job description for the family child care provider and clear policies, segmenting space for the family child care business, designating and maintaining work hours for both clients and family, and insisting on being addressed and treated in a professional and respectful manner. Strategies such as these would assist providers in solidifying their professional status and mitigate work related stressors without being punitive to parents. Programs that provide mentorship can be utilized to assist providers in developing and asserting their professional identity.

Gerstenblatt, P., Faulkner, M., Travis, D., Lee, A., & Doan, LT. (2013).Not babysitting: Work stress and well-being for family child care providers. Early Childhood Education Journal. 42(1) 67–75