Sample Policy on Sexual Health for Child Welfare Agencies

Our team developed a sample policy on sexual health for child welfare agencies. The Texas Foster Youth Health Initiative (TFYHI) works with child welfare professionals, foster caregivers, and youth in foster care across the state. We build relationships across child welfare and adolescent health systems to promote optimal health for child welfare-involved youth.

In interviews with child welfare professionals, mentors, and foster caregivers, we learned that adults often fear making mistakes by providing youth with too much—or not enough—information about sexuality and sexual health. We found a need for child welfare organizations to develop policies supporting sexuality education and access to sexual and reproductive health care for youth.

This sample policy on sexual health helps child welfare organizations think through the following topics that they may address in their policies and practices:

  1. Training and support for adults affiliated with the agency
  2. Trauma-informed, inclusive environment that respects youth rights and supports their attainment of sexual health
  3. Education on sexuality and relationships for youth
  4. Access to sexual and reproductive health care

The sample policy provides a tool to ensure all staff, volunteers, caregivers, and youth have clear guidance on this importance topic. You can adopt the policy as-is or customize it for your organization’s needs.

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