HOPES FY2016 Evaluation Report

HOPE FY16 report cover

The Texas Institute for Child & Family Wellbeing was contracted by the Texas DFPS Prevention and Early Intervention Division (PEI) to conduct an evaluation of the Healthy Outcomes through Prevention and Early Support (HOPES) program.

HOPES seeks to address child abuse and neglect prevention in Texas by implementing community-based and evidence-based interventions for families with children between the ages of 0 to 5.

This evaluation report covers the second year of HOPES programming at two program sites. While every HOPES site implements different programs and services tailored to their community needs, each HOPES sites implemented the following:

  1. Evidence-based parenting programs
  2. Case management services such as providing referrals/resources to families
  3. Access to specialized services such as counseling and therapy
  4. Community collaboration around child maltreatment prevention

Findings show that HOPES is effective in promoting safety, stability, and nurturing in a child’s environment to prevent child maltreatment. More time is needed to confidently analyze HOPES programming to community-level changes of child maltreatment rates, which will be analyzed in future reports. Researchers found several key impacts of HOPES including:

  • 99.2% of families who participated in HOPES did not have a new CPS case while receiving services.
  • Caregivers interviewed described that programming has improved parent and child
  • 15,209 sessions of support services were provided to families, including counseling, childcare, and referrals to healthcare
  • An estimated 138,590 people were reached through community outreach and community
    collaboration events in HOPES I and HOPES II communities
Read the full report:

FY2016 Healthy Outcomes through Prevention and Early Support Evaluation Report